
CCMS Assessment (CAP)

What is assessment?

Assessment involves measuring student learning and the overall effectiveness of an institution.  Specifically, objectives of the CAP include: to ensure that student learning outcomes are being met; to improve curriculum and instruction as needed; and to provide evidence of the institution’s success.  The College has identified and measures the following student learning outcomes and program goals:

  1. The student will demonstrate clinical competency.
  2. The student will exhibit professionalism.
  3. The student will demonstrate critical thinking skills based on professional standards.
  4. The student will communicate in an effective, professional manner.
  5. The program will effectively prepare the graduate for a career as an entry-level funeral professional.

How is assessment conducted?

Individual course assessment is conducted by instructors each term.  This includes (but is not limited to) exams, quizzes, assignments, papers and projects.  Course evaluations administered at the conclusion of each term allow students to rate how well the learning objectives (stated on the course syllabus) were met and to provide more general feedback about classroom instruction.

Assessment in the clinical program is conducted by the clinical Faculty each term.  This includes case report forms, reflection papers and evaluation rubrics.  Embalming certification, in part to meet minimum requirements of the American Board of Funeral Service Education, allows for year-end assessment of clinical skill development.

A Comprehensive Review Exam is administered by the College at the end of the final AAS term.  This exam assesses student learning for the entire mortuary program and helps to ensure readiness for taking the NBE.

The National Board Examination (NBE) pass rates provide useful data about student learning and program success, and frequently inform decisions about curriculum and instructional strategies.

CCMS Capstone Experiences allow for qualitative assessment of student learning.  Mortuary Science Capstone, offered in the final AAS term, enables instructors to assess skills in the areas of embalming, funeral directing, counseling and management which cannot be measured effectively through traditional course exams.  For BMS students, Funeral Service Co-op is an opportunity to begin putting knowledge and skills together by participating in all areas of work in a funeral home environment. Preceptors assess how well students meet the learning outcomes in an actual funeral home setting.

For questions or comments about CCMS assessment activities, please contact the CCMS CAP Chairperson at, 513-618-1928.