Pandemic Student Info Update

President Lechner announced today that distance learning classes will resume on May 4th. Mrs. Lee, Clinical Director, will be announcing new lab requirements for this semester shortly. Access to the library has been extended (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM).
As we continue to support national, state, and local leaders to prevent the spread of COVID-19, emergency procedures remain in place with modification as seen in this update by order of the president of CCMS. Mr. Lechner is anticipating being back on campus in mid-June, therefore students should be preparing to resume in class attendance at CCMS campus in June.
Mr. Lechner has applied for federal financial aid for students financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Students will begin the next semester using the same distance learning. I will continue to update students as we assess national, state, and local requirements and prepare for the return of our students to campus.
- I expect students will return to seated classroom format this semester - most probably mid-June.
- Mrs. Lee will be sending out information on how lab will be conducted this semester shortly.
Campus continues to be staffed by two administrators and one clinical instructor who are all available by phone MONDAY – FRIDAY 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
- Take their own temperature (temperatures 99.6 or higher are NOT permitted on campus)
- Answer screening questions
- Sign the daily log and receive a colored stamp that must be placed on (lower right corner) of badge signifying compliance and authorization to access
- Wear a mask.
- Student access to campus remains limited and is restricted to the below published LAB and LIBRARY hours only. Students are not permitted to enter any other areas of campus.
- Access to campus is not permitted by any student outside published hours (lab assistants and intake personnel are exempt and will operate under the direction of clinical faculty).
- Obtain PRIOR PERMISSION TO VOLUNTEER from a clinical instructor
- Use LAB GARAGE ENTRANCE ONLY (use phone for access to lab)
- Your instructor will assist with temperature/symptom check and signing in
- MONDAY – FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Library hours are for USE OF COMPUTERS & PRINTER ONLY. No studying, convening, etc. will be permitted.
- Use MAIN CAMPUS ENTRANCE (ring bell to be buzzed in)
- An administrator will assist with temperature/symptom check and signing in.
- You are required to use provided disinfecting supplies to wipe down any areas you touch prior to exiting. This helps us maintain the sanitary environment to avoid spread by unknown carriers.
- Wear a mask while on campus.
Great job acclimating to the online distance learning platforms! Feedback about student performance from instructors has been very positive. Continue to be patient and remain flexible, adaptable, and resilient as instructors continue to adapt to this environment. Your academic calendar is still in effect and all students remain on course towards completion of their program.
- You need to be logged into Populi at the start time for each of your regularly scheduled courses.
- Discussions / Chats will need to be "refreshed" frequently in Populi in order to see all comments when using a laptop.
- Discussions / Chats are the equivalent of a classroom, treat them with the same respect.
- REFRAIN from unnecessary commenting that is not directly related to the course.
- Paying close attention to instructions will help reduce unnecessary questions which helps reduce the overwhelming amount of emails and calls instructors are experiencing.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY – if you are experiencing a hardship with accessing distance learning platforms or need printed copies of materials, we are here to help ensure you have everything you need to be successful – do not be hesitant to ask!
- Continue to isolate yourself from others to the best of your ability, avoid public spaces and interactions with the public to the best of your ability.
- Wash your hands regularly and well.
- 100% compliance will help flatten the curve quicker, save lives, and end this pandemic!