About CCMS
Weather Closures
Revised February 2021

The College President (or his/her designee) will endeavor to make a decision about closing the campus before 6:00 AM.
The College maintains multiple systems for alerting the College community about campus closures due to weather or other non-emergencies and will use some or all of those systems, depending on the circumstances. The primary means of notification is text messaging. You must “opt in” to receive text alerts – see this page for instructions.
If there is sufficient time, these channels may be used also:
- CCMS Official Facebook page
- Media
- College website homepage banner
Notification of closure alerts will primarily be used for inclement weather or other non-emergency campus concerns that warrant closure.
Campus closure includes cancellation of clinical lab (CMP). Students and lab assistants do NOT report to CMP.
Remote classes
If campus is closed students are expected to attend classes remotely via Zoom using the links provided in each course dashboard.